
After a great holiday event in Apex Legends, the developers have already moved on and are all set for a new one – the Apex Legends Dark Depths event. EA and Respawn have been flooding the game with a lot of content recently, including the recent Christmas event as well as the latest content drop bringing Bangalore’s newest Stories from the Outlands cinematic (and her new legendary skin).

While players have been having issues with the new skin (it crashes the game whenever someone tried to equip it), it seems like the Apex Legends Dark Depths event might just be what players would want. Here’s all you need to know about the upcoming Dark Depths event in Apex Legends.

As per the developers, the Apex Legends Dark Depths event will start on January 11 and feature a new Arenas map, themed cosmetics, and Flash events. The event will last all month and come to an end on February 1. To please Arena fans, the event will add a new Arenas map called the Habitat. EA gave us a tiny peek of the map in their event trailer and the new map looks like a great blend of Kings Canyon and Skull Town, with tall cliffs and mountains. The map is set on the planet Gaea and Habitat 4 is among the multiple islands that, along with Storm Point, comprise the New Antillia archipelago on the planet.

You might also have noticed massive white things all over the map. Well, these so-called white things are leviathan eggs. As far as the official lore of the map goes, the leviathan served as a breeding ground for the IMC.

The Apex Legends Dark Depths event will also have flash events, which will give free rewards to players every week if they perform certain in-game challenges. These rewards contain loot boxes, battle pass stars, crafting materials, and epic-tier cosmetics such as luminous, squid-like Revenant skin.

The event will be loaded with rewards and during the event, there will be 40 new items up for grabs, which can either be unlocked or purchased. Respawn will even be bringing event-themed packs for sale to the shop, and these packs are guaranteed to include an item from the event collection, but it will also make way for the event’s cosmetics to be available for unlocking in standard Apex packs as well.

Apex Legends is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and PC.
