
Baldur’s Gate 3 has received an update to its system requirements one day prior to its Early Access launch. Specifically, the storage needed to install the game has more the doubled.

Originally stated to need 70GB, the Early Access version of Baldur’s Gate 3 will now demand a whopping 150GB of space. The change can be found at the bottom of the game’s Steam page.

Larian Studios Director of Publishing, Michael Douse, took to Twitter to clear up this change. Although Steam will require 150GB to download Baldur’s Gate 3, the final install size should sit around 80GB, a slight increase of the initially reported storage requirement. Douse goes on to say that the team “like you having at least 150gb because that’s just good for [you].”

With Early access containing eight races and six classes (plus subclasses) to enjoy through a roughly 25-hour Act 1 campaign, the size is not too surprising. It’s possible that the additions of the remaining acts, new races and jobs, overhauls, tweaks, and so on could see Baldur’s Gate 3 achieve the listed 150GB size one day.

Let’s all hope Larian Studios doesn’t intend to compete with Modern Warfare for the title of most ridiculous install size at any point during the game’s journey to finished product. Baldur’s Gate 3 enters Early Access tomorrow, October 6th, and will carry a full price of $59.99.
