
One of the most impressive features of Far Cry Primal is its pretty expansive skill tree of new and upgraded abilities that you can unlock. With so many of these in the game, we thought we’d give you a list of just what you can get.

At the very start, you will only have access to the Survival Skills tree with Takkar, but as you recruit more specialists to your village, you’ll unlock more of these. In total, there are eight different trees to access, with six of them offering multiple rows of skills each.

As you play through the main story of Far Cry Primal, you will discover these different specialists in the map with a big yellow circle with their face in it. By going to that location, you will be tasked to complete a few different objectives that will then have that specialist join your village.

By doing this, you will have access to a slew of different abilities that can help you in a variety of ways in the game. These range from survival, fighting, crafting, and more.

Check out the full list of available skills in the game below, with the eight trees being in the order that you likely will come across them.

Survival Skills
Primitive Takedowns – Approach an enemy from behind or by cover.
Primitive Heal I – Hold Y to manually heal 1 health bar.
Extra Health II – Gain +1 health bars.
Primitive Heal II – Heals +1 health bars when manually healing, up to 3 total.
Extra Health IV – Gain +1 health bars.
Hunter Vision – View enemies, animals, resources, and blood trails.
Primitive Agility – Allows you to sprint and slide.
Sprint Heal -Hold Y to heal yourself while sprinting.
Crouch Sprint – Move faster when crouched with B.
Spring Forever – Spring forever without slowing down after running, sprint speed is permanently increase.
Primitive Stealth – Throws rocks to distract enemies, move dead bodies out of sight.
Primitive Fire – Use hardwood to light campfires or weapons.
Extra Health I – Gain +1 health bars.
Health Regeneration – Partially drained health bars will automatically regenerate much faster.
Quiet Sprint – Greatly reduce the noise you make when walking and sprinting.

Gathering Skills
Reveal Terrain I – Reveal +200 feet of terrain around you in the map menu.
Show Resources – Wood, stone, and other village resources are displayed on your minimap.
Find Rare Resources – Improved chance of finding more rare wood, stone, and reeds when gathering.
Reveal Terrain II – Reveal +400 feet of terrain around you in the map menu.
Show Plants – Plants are displayed on your minimap.
Find Resources I – Find more wood, stone, reeds, clay, and rock dust when gathering.
Search Takedown – Automatically search an enemy while performing a takedown.
Find Rare Plants – Improved chance of finding more rare plant parts when gathering.
Skinning I – Find +2 meat when skinning most animals.
Skinning II – Find+2 animal fat and +2 animal hide when skinning most animals.
Beast Reviving – Reviving your tamed beasts requires fewer red leaves.
Find Resources II – Find even more wood, stone, reeds, clay, and rock dust when gathering.

Beast Master Skills
Tame Canines – Can tame dholes, rare dholes, wolves, white wolves, and rare stripe wolves.
Tame Wildcats – Can tame leopards, jaguars, rare black jaguards, cave lions, and rare black lions.
Tame Apex Predators – Can tame sabretooth tigers and brown bears.
Tame Cunning Beasts – Can tame cave bears and badgers.
Owl Companion – Earn owl that can scout ahead for you and mark enemies.
Owl: Hunter Vision – Owl can now use hunter vision.
Owl: Weapon Drop – The own can drop your sting bombs, berserk bombs, and fire bombs.
Owl: Tagging Range – The Owl’s tagging range for enemies is greatly increased.
Owl: Attack I – Your owl can perform dive attacks on enemies.
Owl: Cooldown I – The owl attack cooldown is reduced from 80s to 65s.
Owl: Attack II – The dive attack can now kill powerful elite enemies.
Owl: Cooldown II – The owl attack cooldown is reduced from 65s to 40s.

Hunting Skills
Hunter Vision: Sacks – Resource sacks can now be seen with hunter vision.
Craft Arrows – Craft 2 arrows instead of 1 for the same cost.
Craft Arrows II – Craft 4 arrows instead of 2 for the same cost.
Craft Arrows III – Craft 8 arrows instead of 4 for the same cost.
Tag Enemies – Can now tag enemies.
Reduce Fall Damage – Take less damage when falling.
Tag Animals – Can now tag animals.
Animal Wounds – Do more damage to animals.
Hunter Vision: Plants – Can see plants when using hunter vision.
Bow Sprint Reload – Can now reload while sprinting.
Bow Handling – Lessens sway while aiming a bow.

Fighting Skills
Shard Takedown – Can now takedown numerous enemies at once with shards.
Heavy Takedown – Can now takedown larger enemies.
Chain Takedown – Can now takedown multiple enemies in a row.
Death From Above – Can execute enemies from above.
Mammoth Rider – Allows you to ride on young mammoths.
Beast Rider – Allows you to ride on sabretooth tigers, bloodfang sabretooth, and brown bear.
Club & Spear Handling – Lessens sway while using spears and clubs.
Weapon Agility – Able to switch between weapons and aim with more speed.
Use Weapons While Moving Bodies – Can use weapons while carrying dead bodies.
Extra Health III – Gain +1 health bars.

Crafting Abilities
Double Clubs – Craft 2 clubs instead of 1 for the same cost.
Vicious Traps – Traps cause more damage.
Precision Sling – Sling can penetrate enemy headgear with head shots.
Double Spears – Craft 2 spears instead of 1 for the same cost.
Food Boosts I – Increase food boost duration.
Double Sting Bombs – Craft 2 string bombs instead of 1 for the same cost.
Double Traps – Craft 2 traps instead of 1 for the same cost.
Double Shards – Craft 2 shards instead of 1 for the same cost.
Double Bait – Craft 2 baits instead of 1 for the same cost.
Food Boosts II – Increase food boost duration even more.
Food Boosts III – Increase food boost duration to the maximum.

Udam Skills
Melee Resistance I – Take less damage from melee attacks.
Double Berserk Bomb – Craft 2 berserk bombs instead of 1 for the same cost.
Melee Resistance II – Take even less damage from melee attacks.
Primitive Heal III – Heals +1 health bars when manually healing, up to 3 total.

Izila Skills
Fire Resistance – Take less damage when burned by fire.
Double Fire Bombs – Craft 2 fire bombs instead of 1 for the same cost.
Fire Takedown – Use fire bombs as a takedown.
Fire Master I – Light weapons on fire without the use of animal fat.
Fire Master II – After setting one weapon on fire, all others automatically will be as well.
