Honkai Impact 3rd released a brand new Animation Short, featuring Kiara’s (Herrscher of Void form) battle against the Herrscher of Sentience. Alongside the brand new video, they also shared right after the new Valkyrie Theme – Rubia, performed by Zhou Shen.
It is not possible to NOT mention the quality of both of these entries, as they look amazing. The fight sequence of the animation is absolutely stunning, with bright particle effects and smooth movement all over the place. It is so fast paced and full of different things happening at the same time, that is hard to think that this is just a promotional video of a mobile game. Of course, Honkai Impact 3rd has more projects to its name besides the video game, namely its manga and more, but it is still mind blowing how they manage to provide videos of such fidelity alongside everything else.
In regards to the video itself now, what we see is Kiara trying to bring back ‘from the dead’ her friend and mentor, Fu Hua. Battling against the Herrscher of Sentience to do so, the battle climacts to what it seems a success, with Fu Hua holding Kiara’s hand. Previously, the specific Valkyrie was considered gone, but I guess miHoYo held a few surprises for everyone.
Together with this brand new animation, the theme song ‘Rubia’ was also shared with everyone as a different YouTube video, complimenting the current situation that unfolds.
Make sure to check both of these videos, to the official Honkai Impact 3rd YouTube channel.