
As promised, the latest batch of information for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield was released today, and it revealed the return of one of the series’ latest and coolest features: region-specific forms.

Introduced in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, certain Pokemon, such as Exeggutor and Vulpix, would have unique forms in order to better suit its environment in the Alolan Region.

Things are no different in the Galar region, with another set of Pokemon similarly adapting differently to better suit their needs.

Here are the three Pokemon to receive such treatment, along with their known data and descriptions:

Galarian Weezing

  • Category: Poison Gas Pokemon
  • Type: Poison/Fairy
  • Height: 9’10”
  • Weight: 35.3 lbs.
  • Ability: Levitate/???

Galarian Weezing consumes polluted air and poisonous gases for sustenance. The by-product of this consumption is purified air, which is spewed out from the tops of its heads. The toxins accumulated within Weezing’s body form into concentrated poison gas clouds that leak out and drift around it. This gas is so potent that even a whiff is enough to stun and immobilize an opponent, making it Weezing’s best weapon during battles.

Galarian Zigzagoon

  • Category: Rushing Pokemon
  • Type: Dark/Normal
  • Height: 1’8″
  • Weight: 71.7 lbs.
  • Ability: Pickup/Gluttony

The Zigzagoon of Galar never settle down and are known to inhabit all areas of the region, including fields, forests, and towns. There is some speculation that the zigzag movements of the Zigzagoon in other regions stem from the restless nature of Galarian Zigzagoon, considered to be the oldest branch of the species. Galarian Zigzagoon enjoy battles and will charge at people and other Pokemon in an attempt to provoke a fight. This behavior usually succeeds in starting a battle with other Pokemon, but humans tend to think Galarian Zigzagoon is just playing or showing affection.

Galarian Linoone

  • Category: Rushing Pokemon
  • Type: Dark/Normal
  • Height: 1’8″
  • Weight: 71.7 lbs.
  • Ability: Pickup/Gluttony

Galarian Linoone can reach speeds of over 60 miles per hour and can deliver devastating Tackles and Headbutts. With enough destructive force to knock away a car, these attacks can also throw Linoone off-balance if they miss. Galarian Linoone are rash and fearless and will recklessly pick fights even with opponents stronger than themselves. Their boldness and their tendency to attack opponents head on make Galarian Linoone very popular among the disaffected youth of the Galar region.

On top of these alternate forms, it turns out that Linoone in the Galar region even have a new evolution.


  • Category: Blocking Pokemon
  • Type: Dark/Normal
  • Height: 5’3″
  • Weight: 101.4 lbs.
  • Ability: Reckless/Guts

The Linoone of the Galar region live in harsh conditions and engage in fierce competition with others of their species. As a result, their survival instincts have been honed, leading to their Evolution into Obstagoon. Though Obstagoon is extremely combative, it often does not launch the first attack. It will taunt an opponent, goading it into attacking. When it does, Obstagoon will cross its arms and meet the oncoming attack with its Obstruct move. Obstagoon is especially skilled at throwing its opponents off guard and counterattacking with its sharp claws.

Seeing alternate takes on classic Pokemon is always exciting, so it will be interesting to see what The Pokemon Company does next. Obstagoon, in particular, is noteworthy because it’s the first Pokemon to exist as an evolution unique to a region-specific form. Who knows? Maybe if things keep up, fans can finally get that fictitious alternate form of Arcanine and Alakazam that they used to clamor about before Sun and Moon came out.

Check out the new forms and everything else revealed by The Pokemon Company today below:
